Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Facts about global E waste recycling services

What do you mean by e-waste?  E-waste or electrical waste is the useless or obsolete computers and computer parts, motherboards, mobile phones, disks, headphones, television sets, air conditioners and refrigerators. According Global E-Waste Research, India generates about 2 million tones (MT) of e-waste per year and is ranked as fifth among e-waste producing countries, after the US, China, Japan and Germany.

95% of India’s e-waste is recycled in the informal sector and in a crude manner. The report presented by the United Nations (UN) in World Economic Forum this year points out that the waste stream reached 48.5 million tons in 2018. If things don’t change, this figure is expected to rise.  Out of the total global e-waste is only 20% of them is recycled.  This report also sights that due to poor extraction techniques, the total recovery rate of cobalt from e-waste is only 30 per cent. According to report, the recyclers in China already produce more cobalt than what the country mines in one year. The same can be implemented E waste recycling services Gurgaon.  Recycled metals are also 2 to 10 times more energy-efficient than metals smelted from ore.

Today, the amount of electronics generated that makes the end-of-life handling are essential for building a more circular economy, E-waste recycled materials can be reduced by this process resources are conserved and are used into the supply chain for new products. In a major development, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics medals will be made of 50,000 tones of e-waste. These medals will make all the medals from old smart phones, laptops and other gadgets. The organizers nearly 8 tones of gold, silver and bronze from 47,488 tones of devices which will be used for making of  5,000 medals.

Laws to manage e-waste have been enforced in India since 2011 which mandates that only authorized dismantlers and recyclers collect e waste. E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016 brings 21 products under the purview of the rule. Virogreen, as one of the leading E waste recycling services Gurgaon follows all the compliance of CPCB that strengthens the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). A new arrangement called Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) is introduced to strengthen EPR further.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Safe, secure, fast Electronic Waste Disposal

Recycling is the process that has radically changed the structure of waste disposal in the modern days and brought immense improvement to this process. The amount of electronic waste created around the world can actually disrupt the balance of the ecosystem to a level which in turn may affect the survival of the animals and human beings. Recycling is found to be important for electronic waste disposal Gurgaon and should be created greater awareness among the common people.  

Safe, secure, fast computer disposal and data destruction

·         Quick and simple Electronic waste disposal Gurgaon from any location
·         No e-waste export to any country by us
·         Registered computer recycler following all environmental norms
·         Involved in all types of  electronic waste  collection and disposal
·         Offering on site secure data destruction through shredding
·         Create awareness on disposal and recycling of e-waste

With new cheap and technologically improved devices, society has reaped tremendous benefits. This explosive growth in the electronics industry has led to a rapidly escalating problem of end-of-life (EOL) electronics waste. These electronic waste materials shouldn’t be disposed of in landfills or primitive recycling methods which can release toxic fumes and substances to the environment. E-waste is growing exponentially and with this surge needs effective electronics recycling programs. According World Economic Forum 2019 report, E-waste is now the fastest-growing waste stream in the world having an estimated waste stream of 48.5 million tonnes in 2018. People try to find information on TV recycling, computer recycling, and other programs in getting rid of unwanted equipment while minimizing any risk of data or identity theft.

The safe and eco-friendly electronic waste disposal Gurgaon at Virogreen is receiving increased attention from policymakers, industry, and consumers as whole. This trend is very encouraging because many consumers are still not sure how to safely dispose of old computers, smartphones or other electronic devices.  The research reveals that nearly 75 percent of old electronics are stored in households because of the unavailability of convenient recycling options and disposal facility. Consumers have access to recycling or disposal opportunities, depending the place they live.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Computer Waste Disposal - Boon to the Environment!

Average human lifespan of a human being is 60-80 years. That depends on factors like geographical, genetic, lifestyle and diet. 60 years lifespan is not enough as compared to the planet which normally last a few million years. If you analyze the time you spend on meaningless activities or do nothing can be alarming. Among them is using your computer to perform certain tasks.

The different parts of the computer contain different toxic materials. Those contents may not affect the user while working on a PC, but it does cause problems when the equipment turns waste, unused or obsolete or it goes for recycling or discarded in bulk.

Toxic Components in Computers

The central processing unit (CPU) in a computer contains various toxic substances and lead is found in circuit boards. Metal plates and coverings may contain chromium for hardening and protecting metal plates from corrosion. Motherboards and connectors might have beryllium. Cadmium is found in chip resistors, semi-conductors and infrared detectors, stabilizers, cables and wires. There may be the presence of mercury and chromium in circuit boards and switches. Brominated flame retardants are used in many components such as circuit boards and plastic casings. Older cathode-ray tube monitors may contain several pounds of lead. Newer LCD and flat-panel monitors contain some and copper. The lamp used to illuminate the screen has the presence of mercury, and the coating inside the screen may have cadmium.

Computer waste disposal Gurgaon

“Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle-3R’s” is the main theory on which Computer waste disposal Gurgaon survives that items such as metals, papers, plastic, and glass. These items need to be recycled or disposed of properly because of the global impact of going back to the landfill. Computer waste disposal Gurgaon and recycling is a thriving industry in developed countries as well as in India because of the precious metals like gold, copper found during the recovery process.  Gold is used in important electronic devices because of its tarnish-free properties. It turns out to be perfect electrical connecters. Virogreen has developed itself to be the topmost Computer waste disposal Gurgaon with the use of cutting-age technology and modern WEEE facility.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Methods of Disposal of electronic waste in Gurgaon

Electronics recycling is among the concerns of the environmentalists today. One potential harm that can be done by sophisticated technology is caused by mercury and lead, which percolates from a landfill and permeate into the groundwater, which affects our household water and other water sources.

Besides the toxic materials, the glass, plastic and metal pose a great hazard to our health. As people upgrade their electronic appliances, such as a home theater system, the electronic wastes pile up. Sooner or later, people will start to experience the negative health effects of these harmful toxins.

In the Disposal of electronic waste in Gurgaon, there is a lot of electronic equipment and supplies that becomes obsolete every day. Many companies will store unused equipment in their warehouses. Some companies specialize in purchasing obsolete or unused equipment and parts. They will refurbish it and sell it to other companies that are looking for bargains.
Instead of dumping an old television, there is a proper method for electronic disposal. If you want to change computers, you can do computer recycling. There are several eco-friendly ways to dispose of your electronic waste.

More about recycling company

Recycling of electronics begins when these devices need replacement. Instead of hurling them away, you can reprocess them. E devices contain recyclable materials that can be used again. Some of these include glass, copper wiring, and certain metals.

While the Environmental Protection Agency in the US does not ban households from dumping their electronics, recycling them can remarkably reduce the impact of waste land contamination. The agency is particularly interested in how businesses deal with their old electronics.

Today, most people are confronted with the question of how to recycle electronic appliance, rather than why they should do it. The first option for you is to find recycling centers in your community. There are several numbers of websites that help you find local electronic recycling centers.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Tips to find best recyclers in Gurgaon

Electronic gadgets have gradually become a necessity and an integral part of our modern lives. From mobile phones to desktop computers to laptops and rechargeable batteries, we all use them in our daily lives and do not even notice their value until they break down. This is when we begin the search for a worthy successor and once, we find one we forget the old device and dump it in the various corners of our living spaces.

After the long hibernation period these old mobile phones and gadgets finally surface during a home renovation when the question arises as to what needs to be done with it? This is where most people in Gurgaon go wrong and dump it in the garbage bin. Discarding electronic waste in your garbage is not only a bad practice but it creates a huge impact on the environment. Electronic waste includes old circuit boards, batteries and lots of plastic, the batteries create the most harm in a way that it becomes toxic and pollutes ground water. It is estimated that the waste from a single cell phone can damage up to 6 million litres of underground water and render it non-potable. Most electronic waste has a similar amount of impact and even worse in the case of plastics. It takes more than 500 years for plastics to degrade or break down. The problem lies in changing our individual habits and learning to be environmentally responsible. If everyone becomes responsible for their own electronic waste then it would drastically reduce the impact that electronic waste does to the environment.

To discard electronic waste safely means to carry all your unused electronic items to specialized electronics recycling stores. Such stores take care of the equipment for you and discard and dispose the harmful parts of your items in an environmentally friendly manner. In this way the recyclable parts end up in the scrap yards where scrap metal recyclers like the E wasterecyclers in Gurgaon, with their expertise in metal recycling help segregate and process the metal scrap in Gurgaon and deliver them to their clients from the Middle East to around the globe.